
Shakuhachi: The Japanese Flute – Honshirabe

Work in progress

I am a Spanish data scientist and professor motivated about the application of Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data to a variety of problems and domains, being Intelligent Transportation Systems the most frequent so far. I’ve published more than 33 int. conference articles and more than 36 international research journal articles. I am also pretty active as volunteer at many IEEE Conferences, journals, summer camps, etc.

My alma Mater is University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, in Spain. Since the development of my doctoral thesis I have developed a varied set of activities in almost every one of the possible academic facets. During my doctoral thesis I worked in the domain of Intelligent Transport Systems, in particular focused on optimizing traffic flow from a system point of view, that is, reducing congestion in a road traffic network, making use of a traffic control tool very present in most cities, such as traffic lights. The working hypothesis was that by programming the optimal traffic light cycles, the capacity of the traffic network could be improved, and to test this hypothesis the candidate developed an architecture that consisted fundamentally of three elements namely:

  • A parallel genetic algorithm (PGC) as combinatorial optimization technique in order to find the best traffic light programming.
  • A custom made light weight traffic simulator, based on cellular automata, as «evaluation function» of each possible solution (individual).
  • A Beowulf Cluster as Multiple Instruction Multiple Data (MIMD) parallel computer, in order to run everything as efficiently as possible.

This research line was quite prolific, yielding a number of international conference communications and a few journal papers.

With this line of work exhausted due to difficulties in the validation of methodologies in real cases, the candidate began, through collaborations with various research groups, in Italy, La Laguna and Las Vegas, to expand my knowledge in artificial intelligence, incorporating computer vision and data mining.

In recent years I have made a considerable effort reinventing myself again, by engaging several training programs in Machine Learning, Data Mining and Big Data. Also, thanks to new collaborations with foreign and local research centres, resulting in an even greater range of topics and methodologies covered within Intelligent Transportation Systems and other domains such as indoor positioning, wind prediction or recognition of handwritten digits or emotions using EEG brain signals.

Main Research Lines

  • Traffic Modeling, Simulation and Optimization, using Cellular Automata based microsimulators and other platforms such as SUMO
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems, from three different approaches:
    • Application of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Big Data
    • Application of Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence to Vehicular Robotics (Intelligent Vehicles)
    • Smart Mobility
  • Application of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to other domains such as indoors localization, handwritten character recognition or emotions detection.

Outstanding Publications

Traffic Modeling, Simulation and Optimization, using Cellular Automata based microsimulators and other platforms such as SUMO

  • Special Section Editorial on «High Performance Computing in Simulation and Optimizationof Dynamic Transportation Networks». 2018. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine. JCR 3.294 (Q2)
  • Traffic Signal Optimizationin “La Almozara” District in Saragossa Under Congestion Conditions, Using Genetic Algorithms, Traffic Microsimulation, and Cluster Computing. 2010. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. JCR 2.258 (Q1)
  • Applying a Traffic Lights Evolutionary OptimizationTechnique to a Real Case: “Las Ramblas” Area in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. 2008. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation. JCR 3.849 (D1)
  • Stochastic Vs Deterministic Traffic Simulator. Comparative Study for Its Use Within a Traffic Light Cycles OptimizationArchitecture. 2005. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. JCR 0.402 (Q4)

Application of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Big Data to ITS

  • From Data to Actions in Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Prescription of Functional Requirements for Model Actionability. 2021. MDPI Sensors.
  • PSO based Adaptive Hierarchical Interval Type 2 Fuzzy Knowledge Representation System (PSO AHIT2FKRS) for Travel Route Guidance. 2020. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. JCR 2019 6.319 (D1)
  • Introduction to the Special Issue on Online Learning for Big Data Driven Transportation and Mobility. 2019. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine. JCR 3.363 (Q2)
  • Bioinspired Computational Intelligence and Transportation Systems: A Long Road Ahead. 2019. Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. JCR 6.319 (D1)
  • ITS+DM Hackathon (ITSC 2017): Lane Departure Prediction With Naturalistic Driving Data& 2019. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine. JCR 3.363 (Q2)
  • Assessment of Economic Impacts of Vehicle Miles Traveled Fee for Passenger Vehicles in Nevada. 2014. Transportation Research Record. JCR 0.554 (Q4)

Application of Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence to Vehicular Robotics (Intelligent Vehicles)

  • An Efficient and Scalable Simulation Model for Autonomous Vehicles With Economical Hardware. 2020. Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. JCR 2019 6.319 (D1)
  • Safe and Reliable Path Planning for the Autonomous Vehicle Verdino. 2016. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine. JCR 3.654 (Q1)
  • A Combined Voxel and Particle Filter Based Approach for Fast Obstacle Detection and Tracking in Automotive Applications. 2017. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. JCR 4.051 (D1)
  • Ant Colony Optimization Inspired Algorithm for 3D Object Segmentation into its Constituent Parts. 2015. Neural Processing Letters. JCR 1.448 (Q2)

Smart Mobility

  • Special Issue: The 21st IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2018). 2020. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. JCR 2019 6.319 (D1)
  • Special Issue on «2017 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES’17)». 2018. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine. JCR 3.294 (Q2)

Application of AI, ML and Big Data to other domains

  • Morphological Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Digit Recognition. 2019. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems . JCR 8.793 (D1)
  • Unsupervised Learning in Reservoir Computing for EEG based Emotion Recognition. 2020. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing. JCR 2019 7.512 (D1)
  • Fusion of channel state information and Received Signal Strength for Indoor Localization Using a Single Access Point. 2020. Remote sensing. JCR 2019 4.509 (Q2)
  • Data Stream Mining Applied to Maximum Wind Forecasting in the Canary Islands. 2019. Sensors. JCR 3.275 (Q1)
  • Micro flip teaching ‒ An innovative model to promote the active involvement of students. 2017. Computers in Human Behavior. JCR 3.435 (Q1)

Research Group Coordination

Head of «Centro de Innovación para la Sociedad of the Información» (CICEI). Grupo de Investigación Reconocido (A+). From 2018 to the date.

Participation at Excellence Networks

Member of the network «Red Temática at Vehículos Inteligentes(RETEVI)» (TRA2015-69002-REDT) funded by Spanish Ministry of «Economía y Competitividad»

Scientific meetings organization

  • General chair of the international conference IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (IEEE ITSC 2015) at Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, at Septiembre de 2015.
  • Program chair of the international conference IEEE ICVES 2017 (VIENA).
  • Program chair of the international conference IEEE ITSC2018 (Maui, Hawaii, USA).
  • Program co-chair for Europe at the internacional conference IEEE ITSC2014 (CHINA).
  • Program co-chair at the internacional conference IEEE ITSC2016 (Río de Janeiro).
  • International program co-chair of the international conference IEEE ITSC 2017 (YOKOHAMA, Japón).
  • Program co-chair IEEE IV2021
  • Lead organizer of the TBMO 2010 workshop, under the international conference IEEE ITSC 2010 (Madeira).
  • Lead organizer of the TBMO 2011 workshop, under the international conference EUROCAST2011 (LAS PALMAS DE G.C.).
  • Lead organizer of the TBMO 2013 workshop, under the international conference EUROCAST2013 (LAS PALMAS DE G.C.).
  • Lead organizer of the TBMO 2015 workshop, under the international conference EUROCAST2015 (LAS PALMAS DE G.C.).
  • Lead organizer of the workshop Intelligent transportation systems and smart mobility, under the international conference EUROCAST2017 (LAS PALMAS DE G.C.).
  • Lead organizer of the workshop Intelligent transportation systems and smart mobility, under the international conference EUROCAST2019 (LAS PALMAS DE G.C.).
  • Publications chair of the international conference IEEE FISTS 2011 (Viena).
  • Co-organizer of the special session «Travel behavior research: bounded rationality and behavioral response», at the international conference IEEE ITSC2011 (Washington).
  • Registration chair at el international conference internacional IEEE ITSC 2012 (USA).
  • Workshops and Tutorials chair at el international conference internacional IEEE ITSC 2013 (Netherland).
  • Panels Chair at el international conference internacional IEEE VTC2013-FALL (USA).
  • Publicity co-chair at el international conference internacional IEEE IV2016 (Gothemburg).
  • Lead organizer of the first edition of the IEEE Smart Mobility Summer School, within the Universidad de Verano de Maspalomas, 14-15/07/2016.
  • Lead organizer of IEEE ITS Data Mining HACKATHON 2017.- First Intelligent Transportation Systems Data Mining Hackathon
  • Co-organizer of IEEE ITS Data Mining HACKATHON 2018.- Second Intelligent Transportation Systems Data Mining Hackathon
  • Co-organizer of the competición Transportation Forecasting Competition (TRANSFOR 19)
  • Senior Advisor to General Chair at el international conference IEEE ITSC 2020
  • Co-organizer of the Special Session Data Driven Optimization and Predictive Modeling for Smart Cities, at the international conference IEEE ITSC 2020
  • Program co-chair of international conference IEEE FISTS 2020 at The Hague, Netherland
  • Publicity Chair of IEEE ITSC2021 at Indianapolis.
  • Workshops Chair of the international conference IEEE IV 2022 to be celebrated at Aachen, Germany.

Editorial boards participation

  • Founding editor of the IEEE ITS Podcast (From May 2013 to 2016).
  • Editor in Chief of the IEEE ITSS Newsletter (From January 2015 to 2016).
  • Reviewer for 5 international journals (3 of them with a Q1 JCR impact factor).
  • Reviewer of the indexed journal IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation (Q1 JCR impact factor).
  • Reviewer of the indexed journal Elsevier Transportation Research Part C (JCR Q1).
  • Reviewer of the indexed journal Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment.
  • Reviewer of the international journal IJCIR.
  • Reviewer of the indexed journal IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (JCR Q1).
  • Reviewer of the indexed journal MDPI Water (JCR Q1)
  • Associate Editor of two other indexed journals (JCR Q1)
  • Associate Editor of the indexed journal IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine (JCR Q1)
  • Associate Editor of the indexed journal IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (JCR Q1).
  • «Guess Editor» of the indexed journal IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine (JCR Q2) for the following «Special Issues»:
  • Special Issue on Data-Driven Optimization for Transportation Logistics & Smart Mobility Applications
  • Special Issue on IEEE ICVES’17
  • Special Issue on Modeling & Simulation of Application Scenarios for Autonomous Vehicles
  • Special Issue on High Performance Computing in Simulation and Optimization of Dynamic Transportation
  • Special Issue on Data-Driven Optimization for Transportation Logistics & Smart Mobility Applications
  • Special Issue on Shared Mobility
  • Special Issue on IEEE ITSC2012
  • «Guess Editor» of the revista IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (JCR Q1) for the following «Special Issues»:
    • Online Learning for Big-Data Driven Transportaton and Mobility
    • Special Issue on ITSC2018
  • Editor of two periodic sections of the international journal IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine (JCR Q2)
    • «ITS Fun»
    • «ITSS Technical Activities»
  • Member of Comité Internacional de Programa (Editor asociado) de 13 international conferences.
  • Member of the International Program Committee of ASSIS’09, ASSIS’10.
  • Member of the International Program Committee of HIS2011.
  • Member of the International Program Committee of SOCPAR2010.
  • Member of the International Program Committee of IEEE FISTS2011.
  • Member of the International Program Committee (Associate Editor) of IEEE ITSC From 2011 to 2018.

Chairs at International Associations

  • Member of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Board of Governors from 2013 to the date (3 terms: 2013-2015, 2016-2018 y 2019-2021)
  • Vice-president of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Spanish Chapter (2015/2016)
  • President of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Spanish Chapter (2017/2018)
  • Vice-President for Technical Activities of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society, from 2017 to February 2020
Feb 16, 2021 @ 12:51 pm